Image Puzzle 17: Winding Up

We’re going to close it here. However, there’s a LOT more you can do with this game and it can be developed in a range of different ways.

Here we’ve made it a game for young kids with young kid graphics – however instead, how about making it an edge matching puzzle by having tiles with formulas and totals which must match, or words in a language with the translation which must match.

The game currently can be played endlessly – so we could add in some levels with countdown timers.

The game could be made more difficult by moving the pieces off the play area, so the player needs to not only turn the pieces, but put them into the right place.

So where we are is really just the start 🙂

We’ve also learned some really useful features of Construct 3. Using variables to help manage the game, functions for repeating events, ‘sine’ behaviour to add movement and much more.

What’s Next?

I challenge you to remake the game – but add your own twist to it. Customize the game to fit the needs of you and your players.

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