Find the Object

‘Find the Object’ games are an educational game which can be adapted for use with all ages. This type of game combines a high level of playability along with educational features.

Game features such as levels, lives, countdown etc will help to turn this type of game into a highly repeatable playing experience.

Spot the object games are great for vocabulary, comprehension and language learning, however they can also be used to create numeracy games etc.

These games can be created in a variety of styles and once the base engine is created, it is easy to adapt to a whole host of different games.

Highly replayable and great for reinforcing vocabulary.

Suitable for all ages, including pre-readers.

Games can range from very simple through to more puzzling games.

Spot the object games are another set of highly versatile games which are suitable for all ages, from pre-readers through to adults. The games vary in complexity, however the basic premise of the game remains the same.

How to Play

The player must find the correct object as identified by either a written word or audio cue. The player will click or tap on the correct object. 

Types of Games

Spot the object games are fun and suitable for all ages. The objects may be easy to find or more difficult such as in a ‘hidden object’ game. 

The games can be spiced up for older players with the addition of countdown timers and highscores.  

Customization Options

Spot the object games can be customized in many ways including:

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