Image Puzzle 10: Add New Images

Obviously having a single puzzle is going to get boring pretty quickly! However, it is straightforward to add any number of additional images to the game. We’re going to add just two more, however you will use the same process…

Image Puzzle 11: Housekeeping

Before we move further forward, we’ll tidy up our event sheet a bit and also change the order that a few things happen. Introducing Groups and Functions Our event sheet doesn’t look too bad at the moment, however, if we…

Image Puzzle 13: Visual & Audio Cues

Visual & audio cues are important in all games – but particularly important in educational games for very young learners as it helps them understand when they’ve been successful or gives them a friendly indicator if they have done something…

Image Puzzle 17: Winding Up

We’re going to close it here. However, there’s a LOT more you can do with this game and it can be developed in a range of different ways. Here we’ve made it a game for young kids with young kid…